We are so proud that our young singers and Music Director Valerie have been invited to partner with a growing list of superb collaborators this past year, forging new territory for them and for the organization as a whole. Within these individual collaborations is an ever-growing awareness that the SFGC is emerging as an international leader among girls choruses from all over the world.
One of the very finest of these - among the most renowned choruses of any kind, in the world - is the Ellerhein Girls Choir from Tallinn, Estonia founded in 1951. This group generously hosted our singers on our Nordic tour, with a respectful awareness that two very fine world-class musical ensembles were coming together and forging a new, powerful community. Among our long-term goals at the SFGC is to build an international community of girls choruses , and the arrival of Ellerhein in our community is an indication that this vision is starting to become a reality.
We would like to invite you to a special free performance of the Ellerhein Girls Choir on July 22nd at 7 PM here at the Kanbar Center and home of San Francisco Girls Chorus (44 Page Street, San Francisco) This is a special and unique opportunity since they will depart the next morning to join our girls at the Summer Music Camp in Healdsburg. Please help us show these young women that the San Francisco Bay Area is proud to have another world-class girls choir here among us! This relationship will certainly serve to create more opportunities for our own girls.
We are also pleased to announce the hiring of the InterimExecutive Director of SFGC, Beth Schecter, whom we will introduce at the performance. Beth comes to us with the experience of helping many other nonprofits through leadership transitions and we are excited she is with us for the next several months. There will be a small reception after the performance so we hope you can join us for a lovely evening.
Lisa Bielawa Beth Schecter
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