San Francisco Girls Chorus prepares girls and young women from diverse backgrounds for success, on stage and in life, through rigorous, empowering music education, and enriches Bay Area cultural life through innovative vocal performance.
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
The San Francisco Girls Chorus is deeply committed to implementing true diversity and belonging in all aspects of its undertakings, through its hiring practices at the executive and staff levels, its engagement with choristers, families, and alums, its artist-in-residence programs, its commissions to composers, its scholarship outreach, and by expanding its exemplary pedagogy into underserved communities. SFGC recognizes that social and racial injustices are entrenched in the history of our nation and that we cannot fully embrace inclusion without acknowledging these injustices perpetrated against marginalized peoples. We also recognize this history has left its toxic imprint on many of our legal, social, and creative institutions, including the performing arts. SFGC, fully aware of this and other patterns and practices of discrimination present in our society, aspires to lead with a lens towards justice and inclusion. We embrace the unique and important role that the performing arts and musical education can have in promoting healing, enlightenment, and unity in our own diverse community and the world.
About the San Francisco Girls Chorus
Each year, hundreds of singers from 45 Bay Area cities ranging in age from 4 - 18 participate in the SFGC’s programs. A leading voice on the Bay Area and national music scenes, the Chorus has produced award-winning concerts, recordings and tours, empowered young women in music and other fields, enhanced and expanded the field of music for treble voices and set the international standard for the highest level of performance and education.
我们时代主要作曲家的新作品委员会、与著名客座艺术家的合作,以及其他湾区和国家艺术组织的合作,为SFGC的年轻女性提供了强大的成人榜样中无可匹敌的表演体验。除了每年与旧金山歌剧院和旧金山交响乐团的合作外,近期和即将推出的艺术合作还包括旧金山芭蕾舞团、旧金山电影节、帕拉莱尔歌剧院、克罗诺斯四重奏、爱乐乐团巴洛克管弦乐团、新世纪室内乐团、TEDxSanFrancisco和保罗·米勒·阿卡·克菲。近年来,SFGC 还多次前往东海岸参加首场音乐会, 包括2016年纽约PHIL,在林肯中心与骑士管弦乐队合作,为SHIFT:美国管弦乐团节在2017年4月与骑士乐队在华盛顿约翰肯尼迪表演艺术中心和卡内基音乐厅2018年2月在菲利普玻璃合唱团,在世界各地的销售销售演出,由美第电视在世界各地播出.
SFGC 对艺术卓越的承诺通过许多奖项和荣誉得到认可,包括五项格莱美奖;四个ASCAP/合唱团美国冒险编程奖;2002年,成为第一个获得美国合唱团著名的玛格丽特·希利斯合唱成就奖的青年合唱团。
SFGC owns and operates the Kanbar Performing Arts Center, which has become a hub for small to mid-size arts organizations in the Bay Area. In addition to SFGC’s own rehearsal and performance programs, the Kanbar Center provides long-term leased office space to such organizations as Chanticleer, Opera Parallèle, OpenHouse, SF Parents’ Coalition, and SF Public Press, as well as rehearsal space for groups including SF Philharmonic Orchestra, SF Choral Society, Fog City Harmonia, SF Boys Chorus, SF Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band, Musae, Kitka, and Conspiracy of Venus.