SFGC 呈现大姐妹/阿德雷维塔斯·赫马纳斯




旧金山,加利福尼亚州 - 2019年9月24日 - 旧金山女子合唱团(SFGC)和艺术总监Valérie Sainte-Agathe将于10月19日(星期六)晚上7:30在旧金山圣马可路德教堂与Daring Sisters / Atrevidas Hermanas共同开启2019-2020年订阅季。在这个庆祝文化多样性和女性赋权的季节里,这个精心策划的节目将以17世纪拉丁美洲巴洛克音乐之夜向胡安娜-伊内斯-德-拉-克鲁斯修女致敬,她是美洲最早出版的女权主义者之一,也是妇女教育权利的捍卫者。一首由胡安娜-伊内斯-德-克鲁斯修女所创作的《Madre la de los primores》是唯一幸存下来的作品,将与墨西哥、玻利维亚和秘鲁的音乐作品同台演出。旧金山艺术中心将邀请到多位拉丁美洲和西班牙巴洛克音乐专家,包括女高音歌唱家Nell Snaidas、女高音歌唱家、旧金山艺术中心校友Jennifer Ellis Kampani和Richard Savino的格莱美奖提名的室内乐团El Mundo。


作为一名知识分子、学者、哲学家、诗人和作曲家,胡安娜-伊内斯-德拉克鲁斯修女因坚决主张妇女享有与男子平等的学习权和被承认的平等权利而成为墨西哥的国家偶像。作为一个多产的作家和诗人,德拉克鲁斯写了许多关于音乐的书籍。她最重要的论文《El Caracol》,除了《Madre la de los primores》之外,她几乎所有的音乐作品都已失传,其中包括在节目中的《Madre la de los primores》。突出的作品包括秘鲁-玻利维亚作曲家胡安-德-阿劳霍的《Por celebrar del Infante》和玻利维亚作曲家安德烈斯-弗洛雷斯的《A este edificio celebre》。为了表达索尔胡安娜对戏剧和神话的热爱,节目中还将演出西班牙-秘鲁作曲家托马斯-德-托雷洪-维拉斯科(Tomás de Torrejón y Velasco)的《La púrpura de la rosa》(1701年),这是美洲首部歌剧的序曲,也就是洛亚(Loa),这也是史上第一部在美洲演出的歌剧。   


晚会还将展示17世纪拉丁美洲作曲家的作品,包括墨西哥作曲家Juan de Lienas的《Te lucis ante términum》,由Nell Snaidas为SFGC编曲。这首作品被收录在墨西哥城圣母圣体修道院的唱诗班书籍中,这首作品是对Sor Juana和她的姐妹们在有生之年可能在一起演唱的音乐的深入了解。其他作品包括胡安-加西亚-德-泽斯佩德斯的《Convidando está la noche》和拉斐尔-安东尼奥-卡斯特利亚诺斯的《Oygan una xacarilla》。额外的音乐取自秘鲁的《特鲁希略法典》;1780年代末,特鲁希略主教巴尔塔萨-海梅-马丁内斯-孔帕尼翁(Baltazar Jaime Martínez Compañón)向西班牙国王查理四世赠送的水彩画集。这组画作是主教在秘鲁特鲁希略历经32个月的旅程,描绘了特鲁希略多变的风景。伴随着这些图片,还有二十首乐曲,作为主教和他的旅伴们所听到的内容的转录。"作为一个强烈倡导女性探索自身知识价值的倡导者,Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz是这次合作的完美灵感来源。我可以想象她为瓦莱丽和旧金山女子合唱团的年轻女性在其非凡的历史中共同完成的一切欢呼,"内尔-斯奈达斯说。"通过17世纪拉丁美洲的音乐,展示Sor Juana的音乐、诗歌和激情,我们将为观众提供一个独特的机会,让他们回到过去,和我们一起游览这个时代的修道院、坎波和茶馆。"


被《纽约时报》赞誉为 "美丽的女高音歌唱家、热情的熔炼 "和 "迷人的嗓音 "的表演,美籍乌拉圭女高音Nell Snaidas已成为拉丁美洲和西班牙巴洛克音乐的顶尖专家之一,在欧洲、北美和拉丁美洲各地演出。除了与波士顿早期音乐节、阿波罗之火和主教乐队等早期音乐乐团合作演出外,内尔还因其音乐会被称为 "启示性的"(BBC音乐杂志)而备受瞩目。与她一起演出的还有室内乐团El Mundo和女高音歌唱家Jennifer Ellis Kampani,她曾是SFGC的校友。El Mundo由世界著名的吉他手Richard Savino带领和创作,演奏16-19世纪的意大利、西班牙和拉丁美洲的音乐。Snaidas和Ellis Kampani曾与El Mundo一起在广受好评的Sono Luminus唱片《The Kingdoms of Castille》中担任独奏,该唱片曾获得2011年格莱美奖最佳小型合奏表演奖提名。

Tickets for Daring Sisters / Atrevidas Hermanas are $28 and $38, and can be purchased through http://www.cityboxoffice.com or by phone at (415) 392-4400. $10 student tickets are also available with valid student ID.

San Francisco Girls Chorus Presents
Daring Sisters / Atrevidas Hermanas
Saturday, October 19, 2018, 7:30 p.m., St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, San Francisco

Valérie Sainte-Agathe, conductor
Nell Snaidas, curator & soprano
Jennifer Ellis Kampani, soprano
El Mundo with Richard Savino, Director

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: Madre la de los primores                                            
Anónimo (arr. Juan de Araujo): Por celebrar del Infante on a text by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
Andrés Flores: A este edificio celebre on a text by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
Juan de Araujo: ¡Ay andar a tocar, a cantar, a baylar!                             
Tomás de Torrejón y Velasco: LOA from La púrpura de la rosa                         
Anónimo: Hanacpachap cussicuinin                                    
Juan de Lienas: Te lucis ante términum                                          
Rafael Antonio Castellanos: Oygan una xacarilla                                                 
Juan Garcia de Zéspedes: Convidando esta la noche
Also featuring traditional and folk music from the Codex Trujillo of Peru and the Moxos Archives of Bolivia. Bolivia’s Moxos Festival
About San Francisco Girls Chorus
Stunning range, flexibility, drama, and power are among the hallmarks of the 41-year-old San Francisco Girls Chorus’s Premier Ensemble, recognized as one of the world’s leading youth vocal ensembles. Led by Artistic Director Valérie Sainte-Agathe, the Premier Ensemble has achieved an incomparable sound that underscores the unique clarity and force of impeccably trained treble voices.
Recent concert highlights include a July 2019 tour to England and France that featured six performances in London, Windsor, Cambridge, and Paris; appearances on all three days of the 2019 KRONOS FESTIVAL; multiple performances of Stravinsky’s Persephone with Michael Tilson Thomas and the San Francisco Symphony in September 2018; debut performances in February 2018 at Carnegie Hall alongside Philip Glass; June 2018 performances of Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas with Voices of Music for the Berkeley Festival & Exhibition; an April 2017 debut performance at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts with The Knights for SHIFT: A Festival of American Orchestras. SFGC has also traveled the world as a musical ambassador for San Francisco, with tours to the Nordic countries, Germany, Japan, China, South Korea, and Cuba, and performed for the 2009 inauguration of President Barack Obama.
Praised by Gramophone Magazine as a “remarkable tapestry of teenage voices,” SFGC has been a champion of the music of our time since its founding, having commissioned more than three dozen works by leading composers including Philip Glass, Richard Danielpour, Aaron Jay Kernis, Gabriel Kahane, Augusta Read Thomas, and Chen Yi. In February 2018, SFGC released its most recent album, Final Answer, on Philip Glass’ Orange Mountain Music label. The album features Kronos Quartet, includes works by nine living composers, among them Philip Glass, Aleksandra Vrebalov, Lisa Bielawa, John Zorn, and Gabriel Kahane. The Premier Ensemble has been recipient of numerous music industry awards, including five GRAMMY Awards, four ASCAP/Chorus America Awards for Adventurous Programming, and the Margaret Hillis Award for Choral Excellence from Chorus America.

In addition to its Premier Ensemble, SFGC is renowned as a regional center for choral music education and performance for girls and young women ages 4-18. Hundreds of singers from 46 Bay Area cities participate in this internationally-recognized seven-level Chorus School, hailed as “a model in the country for training girls’ voices” by the California Arts Council.
For more information, visit http://www.sfgirlschorus.org.
San Francisco Girls Chorus / Ben Tomlin
Sister Juana Inés de la Cruz / Wikimedia Commons
Nell Snaidas / Gary Payne
Jennifer Ellis Kampani / Jennifer Ellis Kampani
Richard Savino / Richard Savino
Brenden Guy
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(415) 640-3165