旧金山女子合唱团图片来源:Carlin Ma
加州旧金山---2018年1月12日---由音乐总监兼首席指挥Valérie Sainte-Agathe带领的旧金山女子合唱团(SFGC)将于2月16日(星期五)晚8点与菲利普-格拉斯合奏团一起在卡内基音乐厅首次亮相,为大家带来作曲家1970年的开创性作品《Music With Changing Parts》的罕见演出。这场演出将于2月20日(星期二)晚上7:30在旧金山表演协会的赞助下,在戴维斯交响音乐厅重演。变化部分的音乐》最初是为菲利普-格拉斯合奏团创作的。这场新的演出将由菲利普-格拉斯乐团音乐总监Michael Riesman、旧金山音乐学院艺术总监Lisa Bielawa和作曲家Philip Glass Ensemble音乐总监Michael Riesman编曲。在过去的26年里,Bielawa曾在菲利普-格拉斯合奏团担任声乐和键盘手,在这首新编曲中,他将以键盘手的身份与合唱团一起演出。通过最近与SFGC的合作,菲利普-格拉斯已经熟悉了合唱团,并表示 "很高兴能与这样一群才华横溢、训练有素的年轻女性合作"。这些演出将标志着SFGC本季第二次演出菲利普-格拉斯的音乐,作为作曲家80岁生日庆祝活动的全国性活动的一部分。2017年10月,菲利普-格拉斯合奏团成员迈克尔-里斯曼(Michael Riesman)和安德鲁-斯特曼(Andrew Sterman)加盟SFGC,参加了本季的开幕音乐会,被《湾区记者》称赞为 "雄心勃勃的计划和完美的执行"。湾区记者在谈到这次独特的合作时,特别评论说:"在这样受人尊敬的公司里旅行,是该组织持久的愿景,是当之无愧的结果。"SFGC在卡内基音乐厅的首次亮相,恰逢其下一张专辑《Final Answer》将于2月16日在Orange Mountain Music发行。在纽约期间,SFGC将于2月13日在Le Poisson Rouge举行发行音乐会,演奏专辑中的精选作品。
艺术总监Lisa Bielawa 照片来源:Carlin Ma
艺术总监Lisa Bielawa在谈到即将到来的二月份的演出时说:"这个节目的一切都代表了SFGC的艺术愿景---我们致力于成为这个时代音乐的倡导者和拥护者,在世界最大的舞台上展示我们非凡的年轻女性,并与领先的艺术家、乐团和组织合作。Bielawa还说:"作为SFGC艺术总监,作为我最后的项目之一,我想不出比这更好地综合了这个组织所努力实现的一切的项目。"
Valérie Sainte-Agathe图片来源:Joe Fanvu
“The engagement represents a major milestone for SFGC,” added Music Director & Principal Conductor Valérie Sainte-Agathe, “The opportunity to continue to serve as a cultural ambassador for the Bay Area while presenting the unique, powerful sound of our young women at Carnegie Hall is something this organization has looked forward to for a long time. Being able to do this alongside Philip Glass and the Philip Glass Ensemble will be an unforgettable experience – for the organization and for our choristers.”
This performance at Carnegie Hall marks the third time in as many years that SFGC has been presented on the East Coast. In June 2016, SFGC performed in concert with the Brooklyn-based orchestral collective, The Knights, for the NY PHIL BIENNIAL festival. And in April 2017, SFGC travelled to Washington, D.C. at the invitation of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts to perform, again with The Knights, on the Center’s acclaimed SHIFT Festival of American Orchestras.
Single tickets for the New York performance on February 16 range in price from $14.50 to $95 and are available through Carnegie Hall at http://www.carnegiehall.com and 212.247.7800.
Single tickets for the San Francisco performance on February 20 range in price from $45 to $120 and are available through City Box Office at http://www.cityboxoffice.com and 415.392.4400.
Carnegie Hall Presents
“Music With Changing Parts”
Featuring Philip Glass Ensemble and San Francisco Girls Chorus
Friday, February 16, 2018, 8 p.m.
Carnegie Hall, New York
Philip Glass: Music With Changing Parts
Single tickets range in price from $14.50 to $95 and can be purchased through Carnegie Hall at http://www.carnegiehall.com and 212.247.7800.
For more information, please visit carnegiehall.org.
San Francisco Performances Presents
“Music With Changing Parts”
Featuring Philip Glass Ensemble and San Francisco Girls Chorus
Tuesday, February 20, 2018, 7:30 p.m.
Davies Symphony Hall, San Francisco
Philip Glass: Music With Changing Parts
Single tickets range in price from $45 to $120 and can be purchased through City Box Office at http://www.cityboxoffice.com and 415.392.4400.
About the San Francisco Girls Chorus
Now in its 39th year, the San Francisco Girls Chorus’s founding Artistic Director, Elizabeth Appling, prepared the first-ever chorus of girls to perform with the San Francisco Opera, an opportunity previously reserved only for boys. Founded with a vision to become an international-caliber chorus for young women, SFGC has grown into a renowned, industry-leading performing arts and music education organization. Today, under the leadership of Artistic Director, Lisa Bielawa, and Music Director, Valerie Sainte-Agathe, SFGC serves nearly 300 choristers ages 5-18 from 45 cities and all 9 Bay Area counties each year. Served by a music faculty of 21 teaching artists and 7 administrators, the organization operates a professional-level performance, recording and touring ensemble; the four-level Chorus School training program; and a Preparatory Chorus.
SFGC collaborates annually with leading arts and cultural organizations including the San Francisco Opera, San Francisco Symphony, San Francisco Ballet, San Francisco Film Festival, and the Kronos Quartet, among many others. The Chorus has toured to more than a dozen countries and performed at major national and international venues including the 2009 inauguration of President Barack Obama, New York’s Lincoln Center, The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, DC, the World Choral Symposium in Kyoto, Japan, the World Vision Children’s Choir Festival in Korea, and the Gateway to Music Festival in China. SFGC’s commitment to artistic excellence has been recognized through numerous awards, including five GRAMMY Awards and three ASCAP/Chorus America Awards for Adventurous Programming.
SFGC also owns and operates the Kanbar Performing Arts Center, a six-story hub for the arts in San Francisco’s Civic Center district that annually serves more than 30 arts organizations. SFGC’s current annual operating budget is $2.4 million.
图片来源:旧金山女子合唱团 / Carlin Ma Lisa Bielawa / Carlin Ma Valérie Sainte-Agathe / Joe Fanvu 媒体联络人 Brenden Guy, 市场及公关顾问 (415) 640-3165 brendenguy@gmail.com marketing@sfgirlschorus.org